Drill-free! Shot-free! Pain Free!

You heard it right! Shot free and pain free dental work is now available at Lakeview Dental! Don’t put off going to the dentist because of anxiety over the needle or the sound of the drill. Now we have Solea, an advanced new dental laser technology that is virtually replacing the needle, drill, and scalpel. Solea can accommodate patients of all ages and procedures of all kinds—without the need for anesthetic in most cases.

Because of how fast Solea works, most procedures can be completed in just minutes and there is usually no need for a second appointment. This takes away the frustration of having to sit in the chair for hours, and allows you to have more time to enjoy your day.

As a result of reliably anesthesia-free and blood-free procedures, you will be able to leave the office—without that uncomfortable, numb sensation—almost immediately after your Solea Dentist completes the procedure.

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