Root canal therapy often strikes fear in those in need. Fortunately, advancements in technology have made this treatment much more pleasant than the days when it was predictably painful and uncomfortable.

What is a root canal?

Root canals are passages that branch from the top of the tooth, extending down to the tip of the tooth root. All teeth have one to four root canals. The pulp of the tooth is inside the tooth and contains nerves, blood vessels, and other tissue. When an infection reaches the pulp of the tooth and progresses, it can begin to affect the tooth root. When the inside of the tooth is diseased, this can result in sensitivity and pain. A further infection can cause pus to develop within the tooth and lead to an abscess.

Root canal therapy involves removing the diseased material inside the tooth, which stops the infection and restores the healthy part of the tooth. As it is always the goal of your Granbury dentist to retain your natural tooth structure whenever possible, root canal therapy allows the natural tooth to be saved, whereas before root canal therapy, it likely would need to be extracted.

What does root canal therapy involve?

Root canal therapy typically happens over the course of one to three visits to your Granbury dentist at Lakeview Dental. In the first visit, Dr. Heizer will drill a small hole in the top of the tooth into the inner chamber. He will remove the diseased tissue, cleanse the inner chamber, and reshape the canals. Next, the canals inside the cleansed chamber are filled with a filling material, along with a medication to prevent future infection. The tooth is, typically, then sealed with a crown, which restores the tooth to its original form and function.

With advances in technology, patients who require root canal therapy often have little to no pain or discomfort. In most cases, the restored tooth continues to function as normal without any further treatment.

If you are experiencing persistent pain in a tooth, you may have an infection that requires treatment by your dentist. Call us today at 817-573-3724 to schedule an appointment for an examination to determine if treatment is necessary.